Welcome To Alert Nepal

ALERT NEPAL helped me realize my inner strength as a leader and qualities needed for effective leadership. The workshop provided all the participants with equal opportunities to show their hidden qualities. I am thankful to the organizing team. One of the interesting parts of this program was t...

Message From Managing Director

about author

Mr. Narayan Acharya

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce ALERT NEPAL as a multiple study centre with the mission to be a centre of excellence and inculcate leadership, professionalism, corporate understanding and competence with human values, ethics and morals in our learners. we are fully dedicated to maintain qu...

Student's Voice

Our Special Courses

  • we are runnning engineering entrance preperation classes from jen 5th 2017. thus ue invite the interested candidate for the study of the engennering as their future destenation.

  • Loksewa Aayog

    Special Class

     Our Lok sewa classes are running as our special occasion of New year 2017. We are running both day, morning , evening and night classes of Loksewa Aayog classes,

Why Choose Us

We identify your path to success. We craft your profile to match the universities and colleges criteria.​We tailor a plan for you, unlocking your full potential. We provide i

Education is power,One school serving all

"Educating all students to achieve today and tomorrow in a global community and economy"